In November, Boys Hope Girls Hope International hosted a forum bringing together seasoned, high performing Residential Counselors from across the U.S.-based network who have the capacity for and interest in developing and delivering orientation, training, and professional development.

Over the course of three days, Residential Counselor participants and IO staff facilitators worked to increase our network-wide capacity to identify, recruit, train, support and retain high performing, high-impact Residential Counselors.

The forum also served as a starting point for the development of a newly packaged residential counselor training curriculum that can equip residential programs across the BHGH network. Alongside training content, participants engaged in meaningful dialogue on residential counselor support and retention, cross-cultural engagement with scholars and staff, and increased sharing of best practices between affiliate sites.

After the event, Residential Counselors offered feedback praising the value of the support, comfort, and encouragement they felt from the time spent with like-minded people who share similar joys and challenges.

“Hearing that everyone faces similar issues and yet we have a built-in, albeit untapped, network for support raises awareness and shouts a call for action.” – RC Participant

Thanks to all who coordinated and participated in the event!