SAINT LOUIS, MO. June 14, 2017 – Boys Hope Girls Hope International will be welcoming 50 at-promise, high-achieving, collegians from 13 affiliates across the country for a Collegiate Prep Seminar to be held June 18-23 on the campus of Saint Louis University.

The goal of the Collegiate Prep Seminar is to build upon Boys Hope Girls Hope’s “The College Road” programming, which was developed to foster the successful transition of first-generation, college-going students, including: adjusting to dorm life, handling the stress of being away from home, applying for and managing financial aid and loans, and time management. The seminar also delves into navigating all aspects of college – from identifying on-campus student services to building relationships with faculty and enhancing collegiate-level study skills. As the culmination of many years of participation in the Boys Hope Girls Hope program, the seminar also provides the opportunity to deepen bonds with peers across the network and deepen a sense of purpose and career orientation.

The agenda is as follows:

Sunday, June 18, Welcome

  • Opening Address by Kristin Ostby de Barillas, President and CEO, Boys Hope Girls Hope International

Monday, June 19, #DoItForTheCulture: How Your Unique Voice and Life Path Contributes to the Greater Good

Featured Speakers Include:

  • Rabbi Susan Talve, a social activist, spiritual leader, educator, and founding Rabbi of Central Reform Congregation, a St. Louis-based congregation dedicated to promoting inclusivity and diversity in the Jewish community.
  • Kris Lewis, Executive leadership coach, owner of St. Louis Support Center, and licensed individual and family therapist. Her areas of focus include past trauma, cultural competence, diversity & inclusion, and postsecondary persistence.
  • Louis Carr, President of Media Sales at BET Networks, author, philanthropist, and Boys Hope Girls Hope International Board Member.

Tuesday, June 20, #SecureTheBag: Setting Yourself Up For Financial Success & Spiritual Riches

Featured Speakers Include:

  • Alnita Smiley of Prosperity Connection.  Established in 2009 with the help of St. Louis Community Credit Union, the Prosperity Connection is a 501(c)3 whose mission is to strengthen the St. Louis region by providing financial education, affordable financial services, resources, and support to low-to-moderate income populations in an effort to improve their standard of living and better their lifestyle.
  • Tierra Parks Brown of Radio One St. Louis. Affectionately dubbed “The Hometown HomeGirl,” Tierra asserts transparency as the ultimate equalizer regarding social issues, youth development and mental/ health and wellness all transformed into a creative outlet for the culture.
  • Fr. Ronny O’Dwyer, ordained Jesuit Priest, and Director of the Billiken Teacher Corps – a group of faith-driven graduate students dedicated to service in the Catholic, Jesuit tradition that will explore with Collegians their journeys of personal and spiritual formation.
  • The Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis, a nonprofit organization founded in 1920, is based upon the conviction that an educated citizenry is essential to a healthy democracy. The Scholarship Foundation provides access to postsecondary education to members of our community who otherwise would not have the financial means to fulfill their educational goals.

Wednesday, June 21, #StayWoke: Becoming Socially Aware and Creating the Change You Want To Be

  • Community Service Activities in Jennings and Ferguson

Thursday, June 22, #MajorKeys: Opening Up Your Journey for Personal Success

Featured Speakers Include:

  • Ann Marr, Vice President of Global Human Resources at World Wide Technology, Inc., a $7.2 billion company based in St. Louis County with almost 4,000 employees around the world, including offices in Brazil, Mexico, Singapore, China, England, India and the Netherlands.
  • Greg Scruggs, two-time Super Bowl champion and professional football player for the New England Patriots, and Boys Hope Girls Hope alumnus of the Cincinnati affiliate and International official spokesperson and active member of the Board of Directors.

Friday, June 23, #BHGHCollegeCallOut: Calling Out And Congratulating All New Collegians!

  • Closing Ceremony with Boys Hope Girls Hope International Board of Directors

For more information, please call Julie Linder at (573) 268-0639.