For questions or more information:

Contact James Williams, Director of Postsecondary Success and Strategic Partnerships. James leads college, career, and alumni programming for the Network, supporting affiliate capacity in these areas, and managing partnerships with universities, intern placements, and peer organizations. He can be reached at jwilliams@bhgh.org.

Erin Beezley, the Service Program Coordinator. Erin manages key collegian and alumni program initiatives (World Wide Technology Scholars and Collegiate Prep), volunteer programming (Notre Dame AmeriCorps partnership), and service learning (Guatemala Immersion Trip). She can be reached at ebeezley@bhgh.org.
The fall 2022 scholarship application has opened as of June 1. All collegians, including rising freshmen, should be working through their Transition to College Plan or Collegian Success Plan forms with the support of affiliate collegian support team members; these plans must be complete before a collegian’s scholarship application can be processed. Note a new report with the collegians’ confirmed address for scholarship disbursement is available in the PPM Community.