The annual GuateMaya Service and Immersion experiences allows US-based Boys Hope Girls Hope scholars the unique opportunity to share in the lives, daily routines and future hopes of the scholars and staff of Esperanza Juvenil.

For some, it was their first time leaving the US, for others it was their first time on a plane.

The 2024 trip took place toward the end of July. As always, it left an indelible mark on scholars from both countries. 

Day 1 

The US scholars began their service and immersion trip to Guatemala with anticipation and curiosity: for some, it was their first time leaving the US, for others it was their first time on a plane. After a long day of traveling and flight delays (silver lining: scholars got plenty of time to get to know each other while waiting in the Dallas airport!), everyone thankfully got a good night’s rest upon arriving in Guatemala City.  

Day 2 

Scholars started their first full day by visiting the home of Alison, a scholar at Esperanza Juvenil, the Guatemalan affiliate of Boys Hope Girls Hope. Meeting her family and getting a unique and personal look into their everyday lives was a powerful and eye-opening experience that gave the scholars insight into the challenges she faces in pursuing her education. Alison’s house is at the bottom of a canyon, along a river that often floods during heavy rains, causing her family to have to evacuate. Alison also starts her commute to school at least an hour early each morning, hiking up the canyon before taking the bus. The scholars were very impressed by the effort Alison puts into attending school each day. 

Following the home visit, the group toured Guatemala City, visiting the National Cathedral and the Central Market several sites to do some shopping. After lunch at Pollo Campero, a popular fast-food chicken joint, they traveled to the newly renovated high school site of Esperanza Juvenil. The scholars received a tour and spent the afternoon participating in activities with the students, including basketball and Capture the Flag. 

In the evening, they returned to the primary school where they were staying, taking a short rest before joining the Guatemalan scholars for dinner at the Esperanza Juvenil residences. The evening was filled with games and conversations, marking the end of their first day. 

Day 3

The next morning, the US scholars traveled to a rural area of Guatemala together with eight scholars from Esperanza Juvenil for a two-day community service project in the town of Tecpán. About 70 percent of the population of Tecpán lives in poverty. 

The scholars helped build new classrooms at a local school, while learning skills like mixing concrete and laying bricks. After a day of hard work, they enjoyed a walk, despite a brief rain shower, and played a soccer match in the school courtyard. 

The following day, scholars challenged the schoolteachers to a soccer match at the local soccer dome. Although they lost, the game was enjoyed by all. Afterward, they had lunch and traveled to the town of Santiago Atitlán. The scholars spent the evening relaxing by the pool and having dinner together. 

This is a photo caption and can be as long or short as needed to best describe who or what is in the photo and how it relates to the story being told.

“This trip showed me that I can always find friendly people around me: you just have to smile along the way to find them.  Effort is key, that what this trip showed me.”

Day 4 

On the fourth day, the group took a boat ride across Lake Atitlán to the town of San Juan. For some, it was their first time on a boat. In San Juan, they hiked to a lookout point before going on a cultural tour that took them to a honey shop, a textile shop, and a chocolate shop. They learned about local production processes, tried delicious samples and bought a few souvenirs. 

After the tour, the group returned to their hotel, packed up, and headed back to Guatemala City. Sunday was a relaxed day, beginning with a church service and lunch with the Esperanza Juvenil residential scholars. The afternoon was spent playing games at the Esperanza Juvenil houses, followed by dinner in small groups. 

Day 5

On Monday, the group traveled to the historic, UNESCO Heritage Site town of Antigua. 

In Antigua, they visited a park with views of the city, walked through the streets during a parade, and visited a coffee roaster to learn about coffee and chocolate production. The day ended with walking the streets and local markets and a return to Guatemala City. 

Martin Totland

Martin Totland is the Media and Communications Coordinator at Boys Hope Girls Hope.

Days 6-9 

The final three days of the trip were spent at the Esperanza Juvenil school, engaging in activities with the scholars and participating in their daily routine. As the trip ended, the group reflected on their experiences and the connections they made. The GuateMaya Service and Immersion trip provided the scholars with a meaningful experience in Guatemala, deepening their understanding of the culture and people they had come to know. Tah’Sani Jennings, a scholar from Cincinnati, summed it up nicely: “This trip showed me that I can always find friendly people around me: you just have to smile along the way to find them.  Effort is key, that what this trip showed me.” 

Hudsyn Price, a scholar from the St. Louis affiliate, had such a great time that he began making plans to attend next year’s trip as a potential chaperone.  

I enjoyed sharing the joy that the trip brought me and the experiences that came from going. I am eager to go back already and I know it is a year away before the next trip. I enjoyed my time down in Guatemala greatly and really appreciated the experience of learning a new culture and learning some Spanish. I met some great people down there and was not excited to leave at all!”