A call open to all alums on Thursday, May 16th
For questions or more information:

Contact James Williams, Director of Postsecondary Success and Strategic Partnerships. James leads college, career, and alumni programming for the Network, supporting affiliate capacity in these areas, and managing partnerships with universities, intern placements, and peer organizations. He can be reached at jwilliams@bhgh.org.
Network Headquarters is hosting a call open to all alums on Thursday, May 16th. The call will be an excellent opportunity for alumni to reconnect with the organization and discuss the future of our alumni engagement initiatives. Your involvement is crucial as we chart the course for our alumni network’s growth and impact.
Join us for an engaging discussion where alumni will have the opportunity to:
-Connect with fellow alumni from across the Network
-Share their insights, experiences, and ideas
-Explore ways to enhance alumni involvement and support
To receive the call link, complete the Contact Form. The form will help us ensure we have the most up-to-date contact information.
Don’t hesitate to contact James Williams, Director of Post-Secondary Success and Strategic Partnerships with questions.
Working to nurture and guide motivated
young people in need to become well-educated,
career-ready men and women for others