Boys Hope Girls Hope would like to thank St. Olaf College for serving as a vital partner in our scholars’ college and career aspirations. During a recent visit to their campus, LaShone Gibson, our Senior Director of University Partnerships and Academic Excellence, met with David Anderson, President, and Bruce King, Assistant to the President & Chief Diversity Officer, and caught up with Luis Mendez, a Boys Hope Girls Hope scholar from our Illinois affiliate, who is helping us pilot a partnership agreement with St. Olaf College.

Bruce King, Assistant to the President & Chief Diversity Officer, speaks with Luis Mendez, a Boys Hope Girls Hope scholar from our Illinois affiliate currently attending St. Olaf College. Luis, who is also a Boys Hope Girls Hope Steward Scholar, is one of four students helping our organization pilot a partnership agreement with St. Olaf College. — with St. Olaf College and Boys Hope Girls Hope of Illinois.

David Anderson, President of St. Olaf College, with LaShone Gibson, Senior Director of University Partnerships and Academic Excellence at Boys Hope Girls Hope International. — with St. Olaf College