Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and learn to accept failure. It’s a stepping stone to success.
Juan Carbajal, an alumnus of Boys Hope Girls Hope of Colorado, recently graduated from the University of Northern Colorado with a business major and started a new role at Edward Jones as a Talent Acquisition Support Specialist.
Juan grew up with his father and two sisters. “I had to overcome a lot of adversity. My mom passed away in 2007,” Juan said. “Doing well for ourselves was embedded in us by our father. His attitude was, ‘grow up and do great stuff.’” Juan joined Boys Hope Girls Hope as he started his sophomore year at Aurora Central High School.
For Juan, Boys Hope Girls Hope became a second family. “I would go to the academy program and decompress from the day, unwind and do homework with other scholars. We also had lots of fun doing arts and crafts and telling each other our stories. I could be myself there.” He said, “We built a sense of camaraderie. We all wanted to win together.”

Juan hopes to build his career at Edward Jones and wants to explore the different areas of their Human Resources department. He also wants to travel the world and keep up with his hobbies of classical guitar and skateboarding.
Juan says his life would look very different today if he had not joined Boys Hope Girls Hope. “I’d probably be working alongside my dad as a truck driver. I would not have gone to college, graduated and landed an awesome opportunity at Edward Jones. I wouldn’t be sitting here sharing my story. My dad and my sisters, who have been a rock for me, are really proud of what I’m doing.”
When asked what advice he would share with younger scholars, Juan said, “Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and learn to accept failure. It’s a stepping stone to success.” And to the Boys Hope Girls Hope community, Juan shared, “I just want to say Boys Hope Girls Hope is awesome. All of the staff are doing amazing work. Seriously, you guys are the best and you changed my life for the better!”