“I would hope that everybody would start listening to one another and understanding each other.”

Kimberly Hines is the Vice President of Marketing and Communication. Kimberly manages the Boys Hope Girls Hope brand and oversees internal and external communications, including developing and executing marketing, digital, and media strategies.
Hope Journals is a video and blog series which tells just a few of the amazing stories of young people who have the kind of will and perseverance to do the work, to be the first in their families to go to college, to be humble servant leaders in their circles of influence, and to use their hard-fought achievements for something beyond themselves.

The Boys Hope Girls Hope family moved quickly to ensure our more than 450 collegians were able to get home either to one of our residences or in another safe place.

From left: Emmanuel (collegian) with scholars LaRon, Aaron, Trent, and team members Valencia and Courtney

The boys had soon finished their school year online. We had all come to terms with the fact that we weren’t going anywhere for a few weeks. I thought it would be interesting to make a video where we could learn how at least one of our scholars was viewing the pandemic.
Patience and Kansas City’s Executive Director Tonya Dean found the idea intriguing. While not specifically familiar with filmmaking, Courtney agreed. We met via video conference where Patience and I helped him with some creative direction. I dropped off his lights, microphone, and tripods on the porch along with other treats for him and the boys! And that’s how this adventure began.
So, the artists that I mentioned earlier collaborating on this project would be Courtney and Patience, creator and editor respectively. Our storyteller is LaRon, who learned new photography skills and shot some of the b-roll for his own video!

In the outtakes, LaRon shared that he does get homesick, especially during this long time away from his large family—home visits are typically one weekend per month—but he’s been staying in touch with them by phone, especially his mom.
LaRon loves reading and English, but he also said his favorite school subject is math. He feels confident when he knows it and can help others. He’s a member of the Conservation and Gaming clubs at school. In the Conservation Club, the students handle and care for around ten species of animals, which makes him feel good about looking after the well-being of other living things.
This young man is hopeful, kind, an excellent student, and deeply thoughtful. He is an early riser who says he strives to be productive during the first part of the day and to leave his hobbies and games for when the work is done.

Our scholars are among the millions of young people in our country who have been negatively impacted by systemic disadvantages—underfunded school districts, poverty, housing inequality, disproportionate incarceration, health disparities, and racial injustice. Despite any circumstances that might work to hold them back, they still maintain optimism and an unshakeable will to be what God created them to be. They want to be free and given a chance—to learn, to advance, to thrive, to breathe.
During the time it took to produce this video, George Floyd was killed in police custody in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Protests broke out all over America. We connected with LaRon again virtually to ask him how he was doing. He said he’s spent a lot of time reflecting about what happened. He’s considered what it means for him as a young person of color, and how he can contribute to a world that’s more peaceful and accepting of people’s differences.
Above all, LaRon’s plea is for people to listen to one another, to find common understanding, to love one another, and to embrace equality for everyone. His ideals are a noble call to all of us.
About Boys Hope Girls Hope, LaRon says, “It’s a really good thing that’s going on here.”
He’s right. Our teams haven’t stopped serving scholars through the past few months. Whether in person with strict protocols on safety or in virtual connections,helping collegians transition to their campuses or to new online learning experiences, Boys Hope Girls Hope is there. Instead of backing down we’re digging in, innovating and hosting new programs. We’re actively helping our scholars to be men and women for others, making change in their communities today. We’re building upon years of diversity, equity and inclusion work because we know our scholars—and now even more young people—desperately need a place of true belonging.
In Kansas City, all of the scholars and team members now have the boys’ residence buzzing in preparation for the new school year.
I would like to give a very special thanks to LaRon for his courage and openness. He’s already finding his voice, contributing, and making a difference. LaRon, thank you for calling us higher!