“As I start my first year of Fordham Law School, I look back at the experiences that brought me this far, and hands down the most important one has been my time as a Boys Hope Girls Hope scholar.

Boys Hope Girls Hope provided me with so many opportunities that my family and I would not have been able to afford. Though Dominican taught me a lot (A Toast of Praise!), I would argue that some of the best lessons I’ve ever received came from BHGH.

I remember setting up my schedule for the week every Sunday and creating my monthly budget. I felt confident to take on leadership roles on campus because living at Girls Hope was the best learning experience for working together for a common goal, and learning to foster a community in which everyone has a role.

I found myself echoing my BHGH houseparents during my third year at Fordham, advising my own student residents through stressful times and helping them solve roommate disagreements. Entering my senior year at Fordham, I realized just how much the values and lessons of Boys Hope Girls Hope have become engrained in me.

There is no telling which skills I learned during my time in BHGH that I will call upon in the coming years. One thing is for sure, I know Boys Hope Girls Hope will always be there to support me wherever I go and to welcome me back with open arms.” – Journee, alumna from Boys Hope Girls Hope of New Orleans, currently attending Fordham University School of Law.


Whether you are a scholar, collegian, alumnus, alumna, volunteer, team member, board member, contributor, partner or advocate, we invite you to share your story as part of our 40th Anniversary celebration. Click here to learn more!

