During this very challenging time, please know that we are keeping our Boys Hope Girls Hope family, our communities, our nation and our world in our thoughts and prayers. As we closely monitor the new information that comes to light daily about COVID-19, we want to share some of the steps we’ve taken to continue our important mission to nurture and guide motivated young people in need to become well-educated, career-ready men and women for others.
We’ve spent the past several weeks ensuring the basic health and safety of the 1,200 young people we serve, our more than 300 team members, along with our volunteers, families and community by working with each affiliate on a comprehensive plan. Due to the timing of this viral outbreak, many of our scholars were on spring break visiting their families. To minimize the risk to everyone involved, the majority of our residential scholars are now on an extended family home visit, and our team has shifted its focus to intensive virtual case management and interactive online learning. For those scholars and collegians who cannot be with their families, they are safe within the Boys Hope Girls Hope community.
Our team members are in daily contact with our scholars and in close contact with their guardians, ensuring families have necessary supplies, coaching and tutoring, encouraging their emotional health and spiritual practice, monitoring their academic progress, and setting up ways for our community to gather virtually.
Here at Boys Hope Girls Hope, our business is overcoming obstacles. We’re grateful that with careful planning and technological advances over the past few years, Boys Hope Girls Hope is in a position to work creatively and innovatively now to continue to execute our mission with our scholars and collegians; to engage with our alumni; to communicate with and guide our Network; and to support our team members in navigating this new landscape. And, we’re already planning and preparing for how we continue to support our scholars in the same long-term and comprehensive way we always have. Together, we can face and rise above this challenge and continue sharing hope.