Our Supporters
Investing in young people is our hope for the future.
With support from the following partners, we are nurturing and guiding motivated young people to become well-educated, career-ready people for others.
Boys Hope Girls Hope thanks the following donors for their generous contributions between July 1, 2022, and June 30, 2023.
Investors in Hope


Edward Jones

Emerson Charitable Trust

Intel Corporation

Johnson Scholarship Foundation

William Randolph Hearst Foundation

Micron Foundation

John Templeton Foundation

Valhalla Foundation

World Wide Technology
Nancy and Richard Arnoldy
Nancy and David Danis
Mike de Graffenried
For the Love of Mateo
Mary Carol and Michael Honquest
Kimberly and Joseph Koenig
Lynn and Jack Malloy
Maya Educational Foundation
Paige McClellan and Basil Alwan
Midge and J. Patrick Mulcahy
Porticus North American Foundation
Raymond Family Foundation
Mary Pat and Thomas Santel
Linda and Ronald Smetana
Berdenia and Thomas Stanley
Karen Steadman and Robert Lloyd
Aja and Patrick Stokes
Joan and John Vatterott
Luis von Ahn Foundation
Yagan Family Foundation
Champions of Hope
Edward Anderson
Bellarmine College Preparatory
Black Entertainment Television
Jana and Steven Carani
LeAnne and David Conway
Lynn and Joseph Danis
Dodge & Cox
Douglas Durkin
Kristin and Stephen Embury
Catherine Manley Gaylord Foundation
Michelle and Christopher Growe
Light A Single Candle
David Littlefield
Beth and Patrick Moore
Lisa and Brian Moore
Jeanne Olivier and Robert Dineen, Jr.
Barbara and Bryn Ostby
Safety National Casualty Corporation
Anja and Jay Schmelter
Courtney and Robert Sprague
St. Louis University High School
Ruth and Francis Stroble
Shannon and Jeff Taylor
The West Foundation
Virginia and Jim Whims
Deborah and Mark Wilhelm
Jeanne and John Wunderlich
Leaders for Hope
American Ultimate Disc League
Archer Daniels Midland Company
Tatiana Arteaga and Andrew Teo
Corinne and Christopher Brooks
Lucy and Thomas Danis
Energizer Holdings, Inc.
Lisa and Patrick Flavin
Pamela Giss and Bernd Ruschmeyer
Rebecca and Bill Homan
Lodging Hospitality Management
McNamara Purcell Foundation
Suzanne Mondello
National Group Protection
Henry E. Niles Foundation, Inc.
Sandra and Lawrence Otto
Kathy and Dave Schmitt
Katie and Jeffrey Schwaneke
Peggy and Patrick Sly
Judith Kay and Roger Smith
Laurie and Raymond Van De Riet
Jacque and Gerald Wolken
Builders of Hope
Beth and Andrew Daecher
Carolyne Guss and Dave Fraleigh
Victor Leche
Kathy and Jeff Lipkin
Patricia and Mark Mantovani
Joan and Richard Marra
Elizabeth Mullany
Kristin Ostby and Benito Barillas
Molly Shaffer and Paul Minorini
Robert Viragh
Lhea and Tom Wiese
Friends for Hope
Arrow Box Company of Joplin
Michael Brown
Ann Carreau and Charles Henry
Community Foundation Santa Cruz County
Courage Sans Peur Foundation
DCA Family Foundation
Claudia and Kevin Denuccio
Paul Douglas
Donna and Francis Doyle
Geraldine Delorme and Kemal El Moujahid
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Michele and Peter Faulkner
River and Bill Fronczak
Jeffrey Galbraith
Michael Garry
Betsy Hegg
Dorothie and Martin Hellman
Kimberly and Reggie Hines
Heather and Adam Hopkins
Laura Hurley
Heather and Andrew Kin
Stephanie Klose
Colleen McCarthy and Michael Economy
Betsy and William McKiernan
Gidge and Thomas Melzer
Ezra Mersey
Sonia Mockett
Robb Monkman
Kenneth Morrison
Rashmi and Ram Nair
Renee Peace
Jason Pernell
Cheryl Rackers
Renaissance Charitable Fund
Regina and Richard Roney
Carlotta Sansone
Kristin and John Sheehan
Stifel Financial
Gayle and David Stratmann
Joseph D. Thiel
Emeline and Karl Thomsen
Nancy and Paul Tice
Patricia Tyler
Joan Willingham
Sharon and Daniel Winnike
Seeds of Hope
Elizabeth Adefioye
Yusuf Ali
Jolie Alois
Glori Alvarez
Scott Anderson
Joanne and Ernest Andrade
Aditi Angle
Oliver Bacus
Charles Bae
Bank of the West
Daniel H. Barrera
Joe Barrera
Laura Barrera
Tamika Barrera
Carmita Bass
Andrew Battaile
Carol Baum and Dick Ravin
Maureen and Steve Baumer
Scott Becker
Erin Beezley
Vicki and Ilan Ben-Yaacov
Aviva Berezin
Teresita Bermudez
Michelle Bhatia
Richard Bollmer
Claire Bonti
Joshua Brady
Veronica Juarez Briones
Fabian Brown
Marion Brown and Gabriel Garcia
Linda and John Buffa
Carmen Calderon Llobet
Anita Cape
Johanna Caplan
Emily Cardwell
Christina Caruso Clerico
Johnetta Carver
Charities Aid Foundation of America
Jenny Cheung
Nicole Chini
Maki Cho
Ellen Cleary
Deborah and William Clifford
Anthony Colantonio
Luis Colon
Christian Comito
Community Thrift Store
Michael Corr
Patricia Cummins
Jonathan Curth
Kassandra Davey
Ben Davis
Corey Davis
Frank Davis
Margaret Depopolo
Nancy DeSalvo
Kyle Donahue
William Donius
James Donohue
Molly Hanks Doyle and Brian Doyle
Antony Drew
Sally Eilerman
Eugene Elrod
Julia Fabian
Courteney Fanti
Nick Flores
Lee Franc
Kevin Frank
LaTricia Frederick
Ryan Frederick
Steven Fricano
Marie Frochen
Carolyn and Peter Gabbe
Erin Gamble
Jennifer Garris
Susan Gilles and Brian Hipp
Susan and Bill Gould
Carol Grace
Rhonda Grammer
Eric Grant
Elise Gresch and Chad Sachs
Matt Gunn
Samuel Hall
Dustin Hanson
Morgan and Dennis Hanzlik
Rob Harker
Holly Harris
Paul Haynes
Bill Hegg
David Heineck
Gretchen Henderson
CR Hibbs
Michael Higgins
Chris Hipp
Mike Hipp
Christina Hoffman
Phakisha Horne
Judith Horrell
James Howard
Suzanne and Ken Hunt
Alyson Hunter
Mary Incontro and Timothy Stanceu
Jesus Ituarte
Mary Ellen and Tom Jackson
Marika Jakubovska
Irma Jantes
Deborah Jesse
Nicole Johnson
Angela Jones and Daniel Cuevas
Brendan Jones
Frasher Kempe
Charles Kenney
David Kent
Sue Kim
Nicole Kimball
Gladys Kline
Lana Knupp
Jacqueline Laughlin
Kelly and David Laughlin
Jan and Patrick Lawler
Valerie Lebron
Kevin Lee
Jill and Seth Levin
John Lewis
Cedric Lockhart
Matthew Luckett
Biegel Macaraeg
Nancy Maglio
Patricia and John Magovern
Maria Jose Rodas Malher
Patrick Manzo
Alyson Marin
Pamela Mayerfeld
Karen McDonald
Joseph McGlynn
Scott McGregor
Mike McKay
Kevin McMahon
Waldo McMillan
Monika Medina
Nelly Melian
Avis Meyer
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Michael Moellering
Jeffrey Moore
Michelle Morreale
Janice Morris
Sara Moulder
Ann and Paul Murphy
Lisa and Brad Nelson
Carolyn Newman
NFL Foundation
David Nix
J. Michael Nolan
O. Richard Nottidge
Patrick Odle
Mary and Karl Ostby
Sandra Palumbo
Sara Paracha
Alan Paradise
Noah Parrish
Katie Patterson
Valerie Patton
Sithumini Peiris
Anna Pernell
Charles Peterson
Michael Philbrick
Brian Posnanski
Chaley Poth
Michele Pridmore-Brown
Scott Purdy
Aura and Patrick Quinn
Fr. Richard Rath
Rosalind Reese
Tamee Reese
Carol and Jon Richards
John Rivers
Martha Roberts
Sue and John Rogers
Jennifer Rolf-Weaver
Andrew Romero
Caroline Rose
Joan and Robert Rosen
Elizabeth Rothenberg
Ofelia and Rhetta Salinas
Diego Samayoa
Lisa and Sonny Sanders
Daniel Sarell
Janet and Victor Schachter
Brian and Erin Schiber
Kyle Schiber
Noël and David Schiber
Samantha Schiber
Stephen Schiber
Catherine Schmelter
Kristina Schmelter
John Schnebly
Kip Schroeder
Jeffrey Schwartz
John Schwarz III
Kathleen and Peter Schweiss
Kelly and Bernard Schweiss
Noah Scott
Gregory Scruggs
Kathryn Sharplin
Deborah Shelton
Robert Sheridan
Barbara Sih Klausner
Stacy Silveira
Gretchen Sleeper
Kirk Smith
Amy and Michael Southard
Scott Spaulding
Sarah and Lincoln Spoor
Rebecca Stone
Alexandra Sullivan
Jeanette and Robert Taylor
Lynn and Tom Trieschmann
Wayne Valentine
Connie Van Horn
James Vaughn
Laurent Vincent
Aileen Vo
Jason Warfield
Laura Wetherly
Richard Wheat
Erica Whyte
James Williams
Kent Williams
Carey and Noah Wintroub
Paula Wittman
Richard Wittman
Esther Wojcicki
Patricia Wolfe
Erica Woodruff
Samuel Woolsey
Margaret Yancey
Elaine Young
Norman Yung
Boys Hope Girls Hope is building strategic partnerships that maximize outcomes for our scholars.
Working to nurture and guide motivated
young people in need to become well-educated,
career-ready men and women for others