Walk to Hope
Walk to Hope is our annual hope-filled, fun, and competitive network-wide 30-day step challenge and fundraiser.
In 2021, Boys Hope Girls Hope launched its first Walk to Hope as an innovative way to stay fit, be socially responsible, and engage in a great team activity, all while learning about and supporting our work.
This is a virtual, month-long step challenge that takes place where you are – in your home, neighborhood, gym, the park…. anywhere and anytime you can walk, run, bike, or roll! As participants log miles (tracked on the Charity Footprints app), they’ll “travel” along the 12,000-mile map connecting all BHGH affiliates across the U.S. and Latin America. They’ll learn more about the scholars they are supporting through motivating messages along the way.
Walk to Hope takes place from April 1-30 each year. Walkers, runners, joggers, hikers, and bikers from all over the world have participated to raise funds for the Network or a local affiliate; and to compete for prizes.
Walk to Hope has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars that fund Boys Hope Girls Hope’s programs, operations, and scholarships in all of our affiliate locations and headquarters.
How you can help:
Support the Boys Hope Girls Hope Network or your local affiliate with a Corporate Sponsorship.
Register to walk, jog, bike, or run and track your progress. Invite family and friends to donate.
Form a Team
Invite others to form a team and join the challenge together to compete for team prizes.
Donate any amount to Walk to Hope to support this worthwhile event.