World Wide Technology Scholars
A partnership with World Wide Technology that provides 25 exceptional Boys Hope Girls Hope scholars access to scholarships, internships, and leadership development opportunities in STEM and STEAM.
Leadership development in STEM and STEAM
Expanded scholarship opportunity
Attendance and networking at STEM conferences
Internship and career opportunities
Interaction with professionals from the World Wide Technology team
Outcomes Highlights:
collegians studying science, technology, engineering, the arts, and math have benefitted from this program.
average GPA of the 6 freshmen, 4 sophomores, 9 juniors, and 3 seniors—22 active World Wide Technology Scholars who are attending 19 different universities
are college graduates. WWT Scholars have launched careers at companies including AT&T, Fiserv, State Farm, Politico, Labcorp, and of course, World Wide Technology.
How it works:
This amazing opportunity is available to just 25 of Boys Hope Girls Hope’s more than 400 collegians who are pursuing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) or STEAM (including the Arts) majors. Mr. Steward’s generous grant underwrites $3,000 in annual scholarship funding from the Boys Hope Girls Hope Network Scholarship Fund for participating collegians, and provides participants with trips to attend professional networking conferences and events facilitated by the World Wide Technology team in partnership with the Global Leadership Forum.
Conferences attended by Boys Hope Girls Hope WWT Scholars include the Women of Color STEM Conference, the BEYA (Becoming Everything You Are) STEM Conference, the BDPA (Black Data Processing Associates) Annual Technology Conference, the ITSMF (Information Technology Senior Management Forum), and the EMERGE Women’s Leadership Forum.
Boys Hope Girls Hope WWT Scholars also have the opportunity to apply for paid summer internships at World Wide Technology and its partner companies.
World Wide Technology Partnership
The partnership between World Wide Technology (WWT) and Boys Hope Girls Hope has been transformative in strengthening the Boys Hope Girls Hope Network. WWT is creating tremendous opportunities for the promising young people served by Boys Hope Girls Hope, who are the diverse leaders of the future.
WWT’s team has been generous with their time, expertise, and facilities. This support has been wide-ranging, from serving as directors on Boys Hope Girls Hope boards to speaking engagements, hosting events, consulting on technology, and opening doors with its partners for in-kind contributions of computers, networking hardware, and software.
In addition to its development of the Boys Hope Girls Hope World Wide Technology Scholars, World Wide Technology has made direct financial support to our Network and local affiliates, helping our scholars, collegians, and alumni with life-changing opportunities and experiences.
Conferences Attended:

Join World Wide Technology and Dave Steward in supporting Boys Hope Girls Hope.
Sponsor WWT Scholars
Your gift to Boys Hope Girls Hope for the World Wide Technology Scholars will help to underwrite scholarships, travel, supplies, and other needs for these 25 exceptional scholars.
Give to our Scholarship Fund
Your gift to the Boys Hope Girls Hope Network Scholarship Fund supports scholarships given to every eligible collegian to assist they can stay in school with as little debt as possible.
Working to nurture and guide motivated
young people in need to become well-educated,
career-ready men and women for others