The 5th annual Excellence Awards were held on March 29th in Phoenix, Arizona. This year's winners showcase the true spirit of Boys Hope Girls Hope's...
Events Articles
Scaling Up Hope Gathering | March 28-31
2023 LEADERSHIP GATHERINGJoin colleagues from across the Boys Hope Girls Hope Network to plan for scale, celebrate our work and success, and help...
Reunite Hope EXTENDED Leadership Gathering advances 5-year Strategic Plan pillars and energizes network-wide leaders
Each year, Boys Hope Girls Hope hosts executive directors and board, program, and development/marketing leads for a four-day gathering to connect,...
Boys Hope Girls Hope Celebrated 2021/2022 Excellence Awards Honorees on March 30th
The Boys Hope Girls Hope Excellence Awards recognize the achievements of individuals and organizations that demonstrate and support hope and success...
Walk to Hope Sparks Collaboration, Surpasses Goals
The first annual Walk to Hope began with an idea, sparked some amazing collaboration and then crossed the finish line by surpassing goals with 43K...
Reflecting On This Year’s Virtual Excellence Awards
I often say Boys Hope Girls Hope is a great example of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision of a “beloved community,” where people from all walks of...