Network Headquarters
Our Network Headquarters provides leadership, support, and oversight.
One thing that makes Boys Hope Girls Hope unique is that our Network Headquarters is dedicated to supporting our young people, our network-wide team, and our affiliates succeed.
We set the program model, strategic direction, programming, policies, and procedures that drive our work network-wide and safeguard our scholars, ensure mission fidelity, increase efficiency, and preserve our brand.
Our goal is to assure that, regardless of location, scholars have similar experiences, opportunities, and programming so they are equipped for college, life, and career.

How we support our scholars, collegians, and alumni
Boys Hope Girls Hope’s My Road curriculum, the Network Scholarship Fund, annual Collegiate Prep, and other direct scholar programs create a strong foundation of programming and experiences for every scholar, collegian, or alum across our Network.

How we support our affiliates
Network Headquarters provides leadership, affiliation and program model guidelines, brand and marketing support, policies, critical core services, crisis and transition support, as well as annual evaluations of affiliate performance. We also convene leaders for important discussions and strategic planning.

How we support all team members
We assist affiliates with recruiting, hiring, and onboarding new team members. We have robust ongoing training programs that equip and develop our people to be effective in their roles. We gather our team members for mission-related dialogue, fun, and celebration!

In 2021, Boys Hope Girls Hope opened a new office space in the historic area of St. Louis called “The Hill.”
5257 Shaw Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110
We have affiliates in major cities across the US, and in two countries in Latin America.
Working to nurture and guide motivated
young people in need to become well-educated,
career-ready men and women for others